Feature requests

  1. test idea

    test idea

    Anonymous Jerboa


  2. Re-arrange items (Drag+Drop as well)

    Can we drag and drop? Or copy up and down? Re order menu items custom view non alphabetical Lots of effort. - how much?

    Tali R
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  3. Use Headings as Bookmarks/Outline with Anchor Tags

    Some of our documentation is fairly long - in Google docs, we rely heavy on the outline view in Google docs as a form of in-page navigation. Clicking on any of the links in the outline view takes you directly to that section (see attached image) - similar to an HTML anchor tag. It would be great to have this same navigation available in Pilot and the ability to link to a specific section in a document.

    Christopher P
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  4. Improve the responsiveness of content items

    I hope a quick video is okay to demonstrate this issue: https://www.loom.com/share/d44c875e140049b1a6c5775353e43522 Basically - the mobile breakpoint seems to be set to go down to 2 columns and truncating text rather than going down to a single column that would allow more of the title of the content item to be displayed.

    Christopher P
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  5. Callout or Alert Box Formatting

    In our documentation we frequently have something like a callout box for information that we want to call special attention to. The purpose is to call attention to a specific paragraph. Similar to a Boostrap alert.

    Christopher P
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Styling 🎨


  6. Different text colors

    From what I can tell, text colors aren't transferred over from google docs - including different colored text in links. While links being underlined does set them apart as links (assuming you don't use underlined text anywhere else in your documents), it still can be hard to tell if something is actually meant to be clicked. Not to mention, it can just interfere with your own stylization of your documents if color doesn't transfer over!

    Sierra Van B
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Styling 🎨


  7. Use server based friendly URLs for Wikis

    At the moment we're using the Google flavored ID in the URL. We have features planned which will be referencing the Pilot database and so should be using those instead for navigation and so on. Additionally: Other areas of the app should be aligned with more cleanly URLs, such as Playlists which is using long UUIDs so the URL is getting long and crufty (not pleasant to look at, nor for copy/pasting) Gitlab ticket at: https://gitlab.com/rs-dev/pilot-app/-/issues/157

    Tali R
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  8. Show when article was created/last updated

    Gitlab ticket at: https://gitlab.com/rs-dev/pilot-app/-/issues/197

    Tali R
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  9. Have changes made to access to a Google Drive file or folder be reflected in the Pilot Wiki

    As a Wiki admin, I would like changes made in Google Drive to specific file and folder access within a Wiki root folder to reflect access to those same files/folders in the Pilot Wiki. Example: I have an Organizational/Standard wiki that members have been added to. However, there are scenarios where I may decide to remove a member from having access to content within the folder structure in Google Drive, and either limit or remove that access. In Pilot those users currently are still able to see the files or folders they have had their access removed for (they can see the file content in a folder they have been removed from, but cannot see the actual contents of the file). With this feature, they would no longer be able to see the folders or files in Pilot.

    Spencer Ririe
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  10. "Undo" option

    it's always a good practice to provide a confirmation message after a potentially irreversible action like file deletion to reduce the risk of accidental deletions. For example, you might add a confirmation dialog or an "Undo" option to allow the user to recover the deleted file if they made a mistake.

    my u


  11. Favicon Consideration

    As a user, I've noticed that the browser tabs for all the Wikis currently show a circle+triangle favicon (image attached). I suggest updating the favicon to match the specific Wiki's icon or avatar image. In cases where no favicon has been chosen, it then, by default, the Pilot favicon should be displayed instead. Additionally, as a user, if I choose to customize my settings, I would prefer to have my own icon displayed, which would replace the default favicon with a non-Pilot branded one. Suggested by: Spencer R.

    Spencer Ririe
    #Improvement πŸ‘#Styling 🎨


  12. Show recent updates to the wiki

    Similar to how a competitor does it, I'd like to be able to see what recent items were added or updated. https://capture.dropbox.com/Mx4ItnJ2hPrMRnJC

    Kelso Kennedy


  13. Drag & Drop - New Files

    As a user, I'd like the ability to add/upload/drag & drop certain file types (PDFs, images, etc.) from the original destination (desktop/email attachment/Outlook file) to an existing or new file within the Pilot browser. I would like to be able to do this via a Pilot interface that would not be an external linking in nature. Currently, a PDF can only be added by share link. If you copy and paste from a view link it directs users to the parent folder where the PDF is housed. **Updated original idea (Alisia - Jul 30).

    Kris D
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  14. Titles in tiles should go to 2-3 lines

    I love the tile view in Pilot where it shows all the folders and documents, however it truncates longer titles, as it currently only allows 1 line for titles to show. I believe the experience could be improved by having titles go to 2 or 3 lines, and that way longer-ish titles such as "7. Performance Management" for example would show, instead of just "7. Performance M..." Screenshot attached for reference.

    Tali R
    #Improvement πŸ‘


  15. The ability to reorder lists on the sidebar is important. Would also like to be able to hide pages.

    Sometimes you want documents to live within the folder but they shouldn't be part of the navigation. (Adding on behalf of user. Idea originally submitted in the form of a comment to another ticket)

    Mike A
    #Improvement πŸ‘
